How To Purchase Ivacy VPN Port Forwarding?

Ivacy Port Forwarding is currently being offered as an add-on at a discounted price of USD $1/month. You can set it up by following these simple steps:

If you are an existing Ivacy Customer:

  • Go to the client area and Select the Add-on tab.
  • Select a Port-forwarding add-on.
  • Click on “Talk to our live chat representative to add this add-on”.
  • Go to Live chat directly for activation.

If you are a New Ivacy Customer:

  • While purchasing the subscription, check the Port Forwarding Add-on check-box
  • Once you receive the confirmation email, go to the Client Area again
  • Select Port Forwarding from the Navigation option on the right side of the screen
  • Select from the given options as per your choice and click Apply Setting.


So, protect yourself from unauthorized access through Ivacy’s paid Port Forwarding Add-on and stay secure all the time!

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