Explain OpenVPN with TCP/UDP

OpenVPN is a new concept but a highly effective protocol which if configured can support both TCP and UDP ports.

First things first, what is TCP and UDP?

TCP: TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol and is configured by default for error checking. In simpler terms, any dropped packets will result in retransmission leading to increased reliance when it comes to latency. Ivacy uses TCP port as default.

UPD: It stands for User Datagram Protocol and can be easily configured to run on any port. If configured, Open VPN functions seamlessly with a UDP port and thus, is fast.

Although, OpenVPN on UDP is fast but a less reliable protocol as it does not guarantee the delivery of packets. It is a good protocol for streaming and downloading purpose which happens to be a preferred protocol for OpenVPN.

“Open” is not to be confused with a leak in privacy or anything. Rather the “Open” here refers to the open source community which backs it. If any unidentified shortcoming is experienced in the protocol’s code, its community comes to rescue.

All in all, OpenVPN protocol packs a strong encryption algorithm which makes it a force to be reckoned with in the world of VPN.

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